Mary Ellen Rumore
Mary Ellen's Story
Birthday: February 1, 1947
Location: Seaford, New York, USA
Diagnosis Date: May 12, 2008
Type of Sarcoma: Uterine Leimysarcoma
Tumor Site: Uterine, Intestines, Lung
Age at time of Diagnosis: 61 Years
Mercy Medical Center
Dr. Ali, Dr. Haas
Dr. Farr Nezhat
Diagnosis Experience:
Pain on right side for 2 years before; extreme weight loss; cats, sonograms, and MRI did not
show the cancer. I was being treated for a mental problem and eating disorder because no one
could see the problem. When I was diagnosed I was 88 lbs and working full time but started to
believe my doctors that I had an eating disorder as I was going through a loss with my mothers
Lap surgery hysterectomy, colon resection, tent in my urethra, lung resection cyber knife and
5 weeks radiation and 24 chemos: Gemzar, Taxtore, and Adriamycin. I did not have a good experience
with Sloan Kettering, the gave me a run around for 3 weeks about a trial and then the day I was
starting denied me. It was cruel. I then went back to Long Island and was so happy I did. My
surgeon, Dr. Nezhat, was great and was the only Dr. who believed I had pain. I owe my life to
him. Now I’m being treated by Dr. Staddon in Pennsylvania at Joan Karnell Cancer Center of
Pennsylvania hospital. I’m on a trial and feeling great and so happy I found these wonderful
people who are helping me fight this battle. I still work full time and am so grateful for
every day God gives me.
I’m still on treatment. Radiation was very tiring but after 5 weeks I started to fell energy again.
I was doing yoga and will join again. I feel better now than I have in years.
Life Now:
My family and friends have been wonderful to me. I have been working full time in sales and last
year I was top sales rep out of 15 reps. I’m lucky I could work from home when I had my surgerys I
still work and am living a great life. I have cancer but cancer does not have ME!
I am more spiritual now and am so grateful for this because fear cannot paralyze me but can inspire
and motivate me. The small problems in life seem so not important to me. I’ve grown as a person.
Trust your instincts and believe in God and if you don’t feel safe and at home where you’re being
treated keep searching and you’ll find where you belong.
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